Pakistan would deliver half of the delayed procurement of 100,000 tons of crude oil from Russia planned for Oman on June 11, according to Pakistani news channel Geo News on Tuesday.
Initially expected to arrive in Oman on May 27–28, the vessel was loaded with Ural crude on April 21 at a Russian port and was delayed for 10 days due to logistical reasons, according to a senior official.
The vessel is now expected to reach the Omani port of Duqm on Wednesday, when the crude oil will be unloaded onto a smaller 50,000-ton vessel, which is due to arrive in Port Qasim in Karachi on June 11, Geo News reported, citing the official speaking on condition of anonymity.
According to the official, the remaining 50,000 tons of Russian crude will be transported to Port Qasim on June 20. The authorities have said that they will ensure the safe and smooth arrival of the Russian crude.
On May 17, the vessel arrived in Egypt's Suez Canal, where it waited in a long queue for 12 days to complete its crossing.
- Payment in yuan
The payment for the Russian crude will be made in yuan through the Bank of China.
Importing 70% of its crude oil consumption, Pakistan is mainly dependent on Russian crude exports, from which it purchases oil at huge discounts despite severe sanctions on the Russian oil industry.
Reporting by Muhammet Nazim Tasci in Islamabad
Writing by Sibel Morrow
Anadolu Agency