
Morning Briefing: April 27, 2024

Morning Briefing: April 27, 2024

Anadolu’s recap of top stories from around the globe

Current events in Turkiye and the world, leaders’ schedules and international events will be on the Diary page
Shanghai Cooperation Organization talks boosting cooperation

Shanghai Cooperation Organization talks boosting cooperation

During meeting in Kazakhstan's capital, SCO defense ministers agree to continue Peace Mission anti-terrorism drills

Turkish president vows choice of new NATO chief to be made 'within framework of strategic wisdom'

Turkish president vows choice of new NATO chief to be made 'within framework of strategic wisdom'

At joint news conference with Dutch premier, Recep Tayyip Erdogan says Türkiye hopes to increase bilateral trade volume to $16B and then to $21.4B

Egyptian security delegation in Israel to discuss Gaza cease-fire

Egyptian security delegation in Israel to discuss Gaza cease-fire

Indirect talks between Israel and Hamas are taking place in both Cairo and Doha aimed at reaching a deal

Man charged with 'conducting hostile activity in the UK in order to benefit' Russia

Man charged with 'conducting hostile activity in the UK in order to benefit' Russia

20-year-old man alleged to have engaged in conduct 'targeting businesses which were linked to Ukraine'

Russian espionage activities in UK, Germany ‘unacceptable,’ says NATO chief

Russian espionage activities in UK, Germany ‘unacceptable,’ says NATO chief

Jens Stoltenberg says such activities will not deter allies from providing support to Ukraine