Türkİye, Middle East

Türkiye to evacuate its citizens from Sudan amid clashes

Decision comes as violent clashes continue in Sudan, leaving many dead, injured

Seda Sevencan  | 23.04.2023 - Update : 23.04.2023
Türkiye to evacuate its citizens from Sudan amid clashes


Türkiye's embassy in Sudan announced Saturday that it would evacuate Turkish nationals who wanted to depart the country due to recent clashes between the army and paramilitary forces.

"As a result of the security assessments made in light of the ongoing clashes throughout Sudan, it has been decided that our citizens, especially those in the conflict zones, will be evacuated to our country via a third country (where they will go) by road tomorrow," the embassy said.​​​​​​​

Clashes have continued for more than a week between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF), with more than 300 civilians killed and over 200 others injured, according to UN figures. ​​​​​

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