Middle East, Europe

European cities stage demonstrations in solidarity with Palestine

Protests in Stockholm, Dublin, Berlin held day after UN court orders Israel to halt offensive in southern Gazan city of Rafah

Atila Altuntas and Erbil Basay  | 26.05.2024 - Update : 27.05.2024
European cities stage demonstrations in solidarity with Palestine


Solidarity demonstrations with Palestine continued Saturday across Europe.

In Sweden's capital of Stockholm, protesters marched to the Israeli Embassy during a demonstration.

Gathered after the call of numerous civil society organizations, demonstrators chanted slogans including, "Freedom for Palestine."

Protesters demanded that Israel's attacks on the Gaza Strip be recognized as war crimes and called for the arrest of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a war criminal.

Meanwhile, Pro-Palestine protests by students at the University College Dublin (UCD) continued Saturday in Ireland's capital.

Protesters gathered on a bridge opposite campus on the 15th day of an encampment set up to support Palestine on UCD’s grounds.

The students said they would continue the encampment until the school cut all ties with Israel.

A solidarity demonstration with Palestine was also held in Berlin.

Nearly, 1,000 people gathered at the Innsbrucker Platz metro station in the Schoneberg district and marched to the Walter-Schreiber Platz metro station to protest Israel's attacks on Gaza and Germany's support for Israel.

The protesters called for the implementation of the International Court of Justice decision regarding Israel's attacks on Rafah and demanded Germany cease its support for Israel.

Israel has killed nearly 36,000 Palestinians since a cross-border attack by Hamas that claimed less than 1,200 lives.

More than seven months into the conflict, vast swathes of Gaza lay in ruins amid a crippling blockade of food, clean water and medicine.

Israel is accused of genocide at the International Court of Justice, which has mandated Tel Aviv to prevent its forces from committing genocidal acts and ensure humanitarian aid reaches civilians in Gaza.

In its latest ruling on Friday, the UN court ordered Israel to halt its offensive in the southern city of Rafah, which it invaded on May 6.

*Writing by Zehra Nur Duz.

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