Russian government announced on Friday that it has partially lifted the ban on the diesel exports by pipelines through seaports.
'The government has removed restrictions on export of diesel fuel delivered to seaports by pipeline transport provided that the producer supplies at least 50% of diesel fuel produced to the domestic market,' according to an official statement.
The restrictions for gasoline exports, meanwhile, remain in force.
Also, the government increased the export duty on gasoline from 20,000 rubles to 50,000 rubles ($494.5) per tonne for sellers which are not producers. The government will also fully reinstate the subsidies, also known as damper payments, for oil refineries starting from Oct. 1.
The Russian government decided on Sept. 21 to limit the export of gasoline and diesel fuel and the Russian Energy Minister Nikolay Shulginov said on Oct. 3 that the limit will remain until fuel supplies and prices stabilize on the domestic market.
Russia, one of the largest global oil producers, exports nearly 900,000 barrels per day (bpd) of diesel fuel and 100,000 bpd of gasoline. Last year, the country’s diesel exports totaled 35 million tons and gasoline exports amounted to 4.8 million tons.
Reporting by Emre Gurkan Abay in Moscow
Writing by Basak Erkalan
Anadolu Agency