
UN commissioner calls for cease-fire in Sudan amid 'terrible' reports from El Fasher

'Deliberate violence on civilians must stop,' says Filippo Grandi

Beyza Binnur Dönmez  | 23.05.2024 - Update : 24.05.2024
UN commissioner calls for cease-fire in Sudan amid 'terrible' reports from El Fasher


UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi on Thursday called for a cease-fire in Sudan, adding that civilians' right to seek safety must be respected. 

"Reports from El Fasher in Sudan are terrible: deadly attacks on civilians, horrifying accounts of ethnic targeting, people too fearful of checkpoints to even flee!" Grandi said on X.

"Deliberate violence on civilians must stop. Their right to seek safety must be respected," he said, adding: "Ceasefire is needed now!"

According to the UN human rights office, at least 58 civilians are reported to have been killed and 213 others injured in El-Fasher since fighting dramatically escalated in the North Darfur town earlier in May.

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