Politics, World, Asia - Pacific

Former Afghan premier says all ethnic groups to support future government

Formal talks for future set up after complete withdrawal of foreign troops, says Gulbuddin Hekmatyar

Islamuddin Sajid  | 23.08.2021 - Update : 24.08.2021
Former Afghan premier says all ethnic groups to support future government


Former Afghan prime minister Gulbuddin Hekmatyar has said that a future government in Afghanistan, where the Taliban have taken power, will have the support of all ethnic groups.

“Such a government could stop further bloodshed in Afghanistan and steer the war-ravaged country out of the present crisis,” he told in an interview to Pakistan's state APP news agency on Sunday.

He hoped that formal talks between all political groups would start after the complete withdrawal of US and NATO troops from Afghanistan, which is scheduled for Aug. 31.

Over the weekend, key Afghan Taliban leaders met the former Mujahideen leader at his residence in Kabul for talks on a future set up.

Earlier, they also met former President Hamid Karzai and Abdullah Abdullah, the ex-top peace negotiator of the Afghan government.

“The Afghans have been tired of the long conflict and fighting, want to bring peace and stability to the war-torn country and collectively work for its reconstruction and progress,” Heklmatyar said, adding that the Afghans are determined to go ahead collectively.

After quickly overrunning smaller administrative districts and provincial hubs, the Taliban fighters entered the Afghan capital Kabul on Aug. 15 and seized power, taking control of the country for the first time in almost 20 years.

The government quickly folded, with President Ashraf Ghani and other key officials fleeing to safety abroad.

So far, the Taliban have announced a general amnesty for state employees, encouraged women to participate in its prospective government, and pledged that Afghan soil would not be a springboard for harming any country.

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