Middle East

Netanyahu says Israel’s main conflict with Iran

Israel accuses Iran of seeking to build nuclear bomb, a claim denied by Tehran

Abdelraouf Arnaout  | 17.01.2023 - Update : 17.01.2023
Netanyahu says Israel’s main conflict with Iran


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Tuesday that Israel's main conflict is with Iran.

This came during Netanyahu’s meeting with Betsy Korn, head of the pro-Israeli American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).

"Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu emphasized that the main struggle has been - and remains - with Iran," Netanyahu's office said in a statement.

AIPAC is the largest pro-Israeli group in the United States that advocates and defends Israel within the US political circles.

Netanyahu said on several occasions after he took office on December 29 that preventing Iran from processing a nuclear weapon is his government's top priority.

Israel accuses Iran of seeking to build a nuclear bomb, a claim denied by Tehran, which says its program is designed for peaceful purposes.

Iran has often in recent years accused its arch-foe Israel of carrying out espionage and sabotage acts at key nuclear, military and industrial facilities through local agents.

*Writing by Ahmed Asmar in Ankara

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