Politics, Middle East

Jordan's king, US official discuss ‘regional crises’

Palestinian-Israeli conflict, terrorism discussed in meeting

Laith al-Junidi  | 06.03.2019 - Update : 07.03.2019
Jordan's king, US official discuss ‘regional crises’


Jordan's King Abdullah II met Wednesday with the Acting U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Near East Affairs David Satterfield to discuss efforts to reach political solutions to the region's crises.

"The strategic partnership between Jordan and the U.S. and mechanisms of enhancing joint cooperation were reviewed," according to a statement issued by Jordan's Royal Court.

Abdullah stressed the necessity of intensifying international efforts to end the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and reach a just and lasting peace based on a two-state solution, it added.

Since April 2014, Israeli-Palestinian negotiations have been stalled due to Tel Aviv's refusal to halt settlements and its disapproval of a two-state solution.

The meeting also tackled efforts to fight terrorism as part of a "comprehensive strategy."

Writing by Ali H. M.Abo Rezeg

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