Middle East

Israel detains 12 more Palestinians in West Bank as tally nears 4,800 since Oct. 7

Israeli soldiers also beat and abused Palestinians and damaged their homes, other properties, say rights groups

Qais Abu Samra  | 27.12.2023 - Update : 28.12.2023
Israel detains 12 more Palestinians in West Bank as tally nears 4,800 since Oct. 7

RAMALLAH, Palestine 

The Israeli army on Wednesday detained 12 more Palestinians from various areas of the occupied West Bank.

According to a joint statement issued by the Prisoners and Ex-Prisoners Affairs Authority and the Palestinian Prisoner Society, the new arrests bring the total number of Palestinians detained by Israeli forces since Oct. 7 to 4,795.

During the Israeli arrest campaigns, soldiers also beat and abused Palestinians and damaged their homes and other properties, the statement added.

The figure does not include the Israeli arrests of Palestinians from Gaza, whose numbers are not specified by Israeli authorities, it said.

Tensions have been high across the West Bank since fighting broke out in Gaza on Oct. 7 between Palestinian groups and Israel.

According to the Palestinian Health Ministry, 311 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces in the West Bank since Oct. 7, with over 3,300 others injured.

* Writing by Ahmed Asmar

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