Middle East, Asia - Pacific

Top diplomats of Iran, Pakistan discuss ‘dire’ situation in Gaza

Islamabad emphasizes ‘urgency’ of ceasefire, provision of uninterrupted humanitarian assistance to people of Gaza

Amir Latif  | 18.12.2023 - Update : 18.12.2023
Top diplomats of Iran, Pakistan discuss ‘dire’ situation in Gaza

KARACHI, Pakistan

Foreign ministers of Pakistan and Iran on Monday discussed the “dire” situation in the Gaza Strip amid increasing civilian casualties in Israeli airstrikes.

Islamabad’s interim top diplomat, Jalil Abbas Jilani, held a telephonic conversation with his Iranian counterpart Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, emphasizing the “urgency” of a cease-fire, said a statement from Pakistan’s Foreign Ministry.

“Foreign Minister Jilani expressed Pakistan’s deep concern over the dire situation in occupied Palestine, especially in Gaza,” it added.

“He emphasized the urgency of a ceasefire, lifting of the siege, provision of uninterrupted humanitarian assistance including medical supplies to the people of Gaza, and the resumption of diplomatic efforts for lasting peace in the Middle East based on a just solution to the Palestinian question,” the statement further said.

Also, Jilani “strongly” condemned last week’s terrorist attack in Southeastern Iran, resulting in the deaths of several Iranian security personnel.

He underlined Pakistan’s “firm” commitment to working closely with Iran in confronting the menace of terrorism, “which is a collective challenge to regional peace and security.”

The two foreign ministers reaffirmed their commitment to further reinforce Pakistan-Iran “brotherly ties, rooted in history and culture and agreed to enhance exchange of high-level visits.”

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