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Ruling party’s prominent faces quizzed in Japan’s political funds scam

Ex gov’t spokesman Hirokazu Matsuno among 3 politicians of Liberal Democratic Party questioned by prosecutors

Riyaz ul Khaliq  | 25.12.2023 - Update : 25.12.2023
Ruling party’s prominent faces quizzed in Japan’s political funds scam


Prominent faces of Japan’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) on Monday were questioned by prosecutors in a raging political funds scandal.

Among those questioned on a “voluntary basis” included former government spokesman Hirokazu Matsuno, who was removed from Cabinet early this month.

He belongs to the largest faction of the LDP, which was earlier led by former slain Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

Besides Matsuno, faction chairman Ryu Shionoya, Secretary-Genera Tsuyoshi Takagi, and Hiroshige Seko, former secretary-general of the party in the House of Councilors, were quizzed by the prosecutors, Tokyo-based Kyodo News reported.

The trio of Matsuno, Takagi, and Seko are “suspected of having received more than 10 million yen ($70,000) each over five years through 2022.”

Those found guilty could face criminal charges.

Japanese prosecutors are probing a criminal complaint that accuses five factions of the ruling party of underreporting revenue generated over five years through the end of 2022 through political fundraising parties.

Prosecutors have already begun searching the homes and offices of lawmakers.

Amid the controversy, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida early this month removed all ministers from his Cabinet who belonged to the faction.

Besides, five senior vice ministers and a parliamentary vice minister also stepped down from their posts.

All of them belong to the largest faction of the ruling LDP.

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