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High national debt big challenge, says Malaysian Premier Anwar

Prime minister says 'excessive spending and borrowing' harms economic management

Necva Tastan  | 12.06.2023 - Update : 12.06.2023
High national debt big challenge, says Malaysian Premier Anwar


Malaysia is facing a significant challenge in the form of high national debt, which has passed the RM1.5 trillion ($324 billion) mark, Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim said on Monday, according to The Star newspaper.

Addressing civil servants in the state of Selangor, Anwar said taking further loans to "spend and borrow as much as possible, will only result in the deterioration of the nation's economic management."

The premier, who took charge late last year and is also the finance minister, said he is against further borrowing to prevent escalating the country's debt.

"If not enough money, just borrow. ... But that is not being responsible. Who is going to do the repayment?" he added.

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