
Biden, Trump to visit US-Mexico border on Thursday

US president to meet border patrol agents, law enforcement, local leaders in Texas, White House says

Merve Aydogan  | 27.02.2024 - Update : 27.02.2024
Biden, Trump to visit US-Mexico border on Thursday


President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump will visit the US-Mexico border on Thursday.

According to the White House, Biden will travel to Brownsville, Texas to meet with Border Patrol agents, law enforcement, and local leaders.

"He will discuss the urgent need to pass the Senate bipartisan border security agreement, the toughest and fairest set of reforms to secure the border in decades," said a White House official.

Biden will "reiterate his calls for Congressional Republicans to stop playing politics and to provide the funding needed for additional U.S. Border Patrol agents, more asylum officers, fentanyl detection technology and more," said the official.

Meanwhile, Trump will travel to visit Eagle Pass, Texas.

Trump's campaign Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt in a statement said, "Crooked Joe Biden has had three years to visit the border and fix the crisis he created. Now Biden’s handlers are sending him there on the same day as President Trump’s publicly reported trip, not because they actually want to solve the problem, but because they know Biden is losing terribly."

Saying that Biden's "last-minute, insincere attempt to chase President Trump to the border won’t cut it," Leavitt continued to criticize the US president by holding him "responsible for the worst immigration crisis in history and the ensuing Biden Migrant Crime Crisis affecting every community in our Country."

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