Americas, Environment

Biden calls climate change 'only truly existential threat'

US should lead world in fighting climate change, president says

Betul Yuruk  | 15.06.2023 - Update : 15.06.2023
Biden calls climate change 'only truly existential threat'


US President Joe Biden told an audience of conservation and environmental groups on Wednesday that there are ''a lot of threats to our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren,'' but climate change is ''the only truly existential threat.''

Speaking at the annual Capital Dinner of the League of Conservation Voters, Biden commended the work that the environmental and conservation groups have done to combat climate change.

He also highlighted his administration’s climate accomplishments in his first term.

''I signed an executive order to make environmental justice the responsibility of every single federal department in the United States,'' he said.

''On day one of my presidency, we moved to re-enter the Paris Accord because the United States should lead the world, lead the world on climate!''

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