World, Health

Alzheimer's patients worldwide may reach 139M by 2050: Report

Currently there are over 55M patients in world, with that number expected to rise to 78M by 2030 and 139M by 2050, WHO report reveals

Mehmet Alaca  | 20.09.2022 - Update : 21.09.2022
Alzheimer's patients worldwide may reach 139M by 2050: Report


The number of Alzheimer's patients in the world may reach 139 million by 2050, the latest report of the World Health Organization (WHO) revealed.

There are currently more than 55 million Alzheimer's patients worldwide, with that number expected to rise to 78 million by 2030 and 139 million by 2050, according to the report.

On Sept. 21, World Alzheimer's Day is observed to raise awareness about the disease, which is on the rise in the elderly population worldwide and to support those who are affected by it.

Every year, thousands of people die globally due to Alzheimer's disease, a medical condition that causes memory loss or dementia, and a general decline in cognitive functions due to the death of brain cells over time.

More than 60% of Alzheimer's patients live in low- and middle-income countries, and 10 million new cases are added each year.

There is no known definitive treatment method for the disease, which is defined as a neurodegenerative disorder accompanied by neuropsychiatric symptoms and behavioral changes characterized by a decrease in daily activities and deterioration in cognitive abilities.

According to the WHO, Alzheimer's disease is the seventh most common reason of death worldwide, and the number of patients is forecasted to nearly triple by 2050.

There is currently no treatment available to cure or slow the progression of dementia. However, numerous new treatments are being tested in clinical trials at various stages.

Research shows that people can reduce their risk of dementia by exercising regularly, avoiding smoking and alcohol use, controlling their weight, eating healthy, and maintaining their blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels.

​​​​​​​* Writing by Ahmet Gencturk


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