
Moscow claims it intercepted Norwegian aircraft approaching Russian airspace over Barents Sea

‘Violation of state border of Russian Federation was prevented,’ says Defense Ministry

Burc Eruygur  | 14.08.2023 - Update : 15.08.2023
Moscow claims it intercepted Norwegian aircraft approaching Russian airspace over Barents Sea


Russia on Monday claimed that it intercepted a Norwegian military aircraft approaching the country’s airspace over the Barents Sea.

“A MiG-29 fighter jet from the air defense duty of the Northern Fleet forces scrambled in order to identify the air target and prevent violation of the State Border of the Russian Federation,” said a statement by the Russian Defense Ministry.

The statement said that the crew of the MiG-29 identified the aircraft to be a P-8A Poseidon belonging to the Norwegian Air Force.

“When a Russian fighter approached, the foreign military aircraft performed a U-turn from the State Border of the Russian Federation. Violation of the State border of the Russian Federation was prevented,” it said.

The statement added that the flight of the Russian fighter jet was carried out “in strict accordance with international rules for the use of airspace over neutral waters without crossing air routes and dangerous approach to the aircraft of the foreign state.”

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