Politics, World, Europe

German vice chancellor accuses Israel of violating international law

'Famine, suffering of Palestinian population, attacks in Gaza Strip are -- as we are now seeing in court -- incompatible with international law,' says Robert Habeck

Erbil Basay  | 26.05.2024 - Update : 27.05.2024
German vice chancellor accuses Israel of violating international law


German Vice Chancellor and Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection, Robert Habeck, said Saturday that Israel has crossed the line by violating international law with its actions in the Gaza Strip.

Habeck responded to questions by Germans at the "Democracy Festival" in Berlin, organized to mark the 75th anniversary of the German Constitution.

When asked about the government's red lines regarding its military support to Israel, Habeck said Germany has repeatedly said the attack on Rafah was wrong and Israel should not have carried out the assault.

Emphasizing that Israel must comply with international law, Habeck said, "The famine, the suffering of the Palestinian population, the attacks in the Gaza Strip are -- as we are now seeing in court -- incompatible with international law."

Habeck also argued that the war could immediately end if Hamas were to lay down its arms.

*Writing by Alperen Aktas from Istanbul

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