Corporate News, Artificial Intelligence

Anadolu CEO unveils new AI collaboration to elevate news reporting

Anadolu’s president and CEO Serdar Karagoz highlights Türkiye's indigenous language-based AI model to enhance the news agency’s capabilities.

Senhan Bolelli  | 23.05.2024 - Update : 03.06.2024
Anadolu CEO unveils new AI collaboration to elevate news reporting


Anadolu asserts its role as an artificial intelligence producer, not merely a consumer, as it endeavors to fortify its pioneering status through innovative AI-based projects, the agency's President and CEO Serdar Karagoz said on Thursday.

Following the European Alliance of News Agencies (EANA) conference in Lisbon, themed Use of Artificial Intelligence in News Agencies, Karagoz shared his insights with an Anadolu reporter. "As Anadolu, we are not a news agency that merely consumes artificial intelligence but produces it. Because in the coming days, we will have a new artificial intelligence project based on language modeling in collaboration with Anadolu Agency and the T3 Foundation" he said.

Karagöz added that Anadolu would be a stakeholder in Turkey's indigenous language-based artificial intelligence model, and noted that it will be sharing this experience with European news agencies.

At the conference hosted by the Portuguese news agency Lusa, presenters highlighted the transformative potential of artificial intelligence in journalism. They emphasized how AI could enable publishers to tailor content more precisely to individual users' preferences and needs, foster the creation of original and innovative content and new media formats, and even generate photos and videos from news texts, as well as provide captions for images.

Panel speakers lauded AI's ability to streamline processes, liberating journalists from repetitive tasks and allowing them to focus on more creative and high-value endeavors. They underscored AI algorithms' capacity to swiftly analyze vast amounts of data, identifying trends, reliable sources, and topics of interest with remarkable speed.

EANA, of which Anadolu is a founding member, was established in 1956 as a platform for cooperation and the sharing of information and experience among European news agencies.

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