Asia - Pacific

Türkiye expresses concern on 'escalation of fighting' in Myanmar

'We have been following with great concern escalation of fighting, increasing civilian loss of life in Myanmar in recent months,' says Turkish Foreign Ministry

Serdar Dincel  | 25.05.2024 - Update : 25.05.2024
Türkiye expresses concern on 'escalation of fighting' in Myanmar


Türkiye on Saturday expressed concern over "escalation of fighting in Myanmar," where the military seized power in 2021.

"We have been following with great concern the escalation of fighting and the increasing civilian loss of life in Myanmar in recent months," a Turkish Foreign Ministry statement said.

"We are deeply troubled by the reports of atrocities against civilians in Rakhine State, particularly Rohingya Muslims, and the violations that have resulted in the forced displacement of tens of thousands of people."

Escalating violence in the conflict-torn country’s Rakhine State has forced another 45,000 minority Rohingya to flee to an area near the border with Bangladesh, according to the UN. Over 1 million Rohingya are already in the country, having fled past purges.

The ministry called call on the warring sides to "respect international law and international humanitarian law; to protect civilians and civilian infrastructure; to refrain from actions that could escalate ethnic or religious conflict, including forced recruitment; and to allow access to the region for the immediate and unhindered flow of humanitarian assistance."

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