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Pakistani Embassy holds art awards ceremony in southern Türkiye

Chughtai Art Awards Competition held in Türkiye since 2011

Busra Nur Cakmak  | 31.01.2023 - Update : 31.01.2023
Pakistani Embassy holds art awards ceremony in southern Türkiye


The Pakistani Embassy in Ankara on Monday held a prize ceremony for the 2022 Chughtai Art Awards in Türkiye’s southern Adana province.

The competition last year was held in Adana under the theme of “75 years of Pakistan-Türkiye Diplomatic Relations,” as the two countries marked 75 years of diplomatic ties on Nov. 30, 2022, the embassy said in a statement.

Competitions were previously held in the capital Ankara, central Konya, northwestern Bursa and eastern Bitlis provinces.

Having been held every year since 2011 in Türkiye, the Chughtai Art Awards Competition is named after renowned Pakistani artist Abdul Rahman Chughtai.

Speaking at the award ceremony, Pakistan’s Ambassador to Türkiye Yousaf Junaid said: “Pakistan and Türkiye’s special relationship is embedded in common cultural, religious and spiritual heritage, transcending boundaries of time, geography and politics.”

The two countries, he said, have stood for each other in “countless accounts.”

“Whether it was Pakistan’s political, diplomatic and moral support for Turkish Cypriots or Türkiye raising its voice at the global fora in support of Kashmiris, the list is long and reflective of our brotherhood,” he added.

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