Health, Asia - Pacific

Chinese journalist jailed over COVID-19 reporting released

Zhang Zhan, 40, was accused of ‘disseminating large number of lies’ after 1st pandemic cases were reported in Wuhan

Serdar Dincel  | 22.05.2024 - Update : 22.05.2024
Chinese journalist jailed over COVID-19 reporting released A file photo dates May 05, 2022 shows nucleic acid tests being performed on citizens in temporary new type of coronavirus (Covid-19) test centres established in many regions in Guangzhou, China.


Chinese journalist Zhang Zhan, who was sentenced in 2020 to four years in jail for reporting on the coronavirus pandemic, has been released from prison, according to a statement from supporters.

Zhang, 40, was taken to her elder brother's home in Shanghai by police on May 13, the statement said Tuesday on X on an account after the journalist.

“I really don’t know what to say,” Zhang said in a video released with the statement.

Kyodo News said the lawyer-turned-journalist was “convicted of disrupting public order, with prosecutors claiming she had disseminated a large number of lies and spoken with foreign media about infections with malicious intent.”

The first cases of COVID-19 were reported in the central city of Wuhan in China in December 2019.

It later spread across the world with nations imposing travel restrictions. The outbreak resulted in more than seven million deaths and disrupted domestic the global economies.

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