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Another 17 killed by heavy rains, floods in northern Afghanistan

Deluge in Faryab and Sarai Pul provinces also injures about a dozen people

Amir Latif Arain  | 25.05.2024 - Update : 25.05.2024
Another 17 killed by heavy rains, floods in northern Afghanistan Aftermath of floods in Afghanistan's Baghlan


Another 17 people were killed after a fresh round of torrential rains and flooding in northern Afghanistan over the past two days, an official said on Saturday.

Massive rains and floods that struck Faryab and adjoining Sarai Pul provinces also injured about a dozen people, Asmatullah Muradi, spokesman for the Faryab governor, was quoted as saying by Xinhua news.

The deceased and injured included women and children, he added.

Twelve people died in Lawlash district of Faryab, while another five people lost their lives in Sarai Pul.

Heavy rains and flash floods have killed hundreds, destroyed thousands of houses and rendered thousands more homeless over the past month in the war-stricken country.

Türkiye last week sent humanitarian aid for Afghanistan’s flood affected. The aid prepared by the country's disaster management authority AFAD and Turkish Red Crescent included food parcels, hygiene kits, tents, and medicines.

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