Politics, Americas

US Senate to vote Thursday on bipartisan border security bill

'Tomorrow, we are going to lay out a clear choice to see who is serious about fixing the border, and who prefers to just talk about it,' says Senate majority leader

Diyar Guldogan  | 22.05.2024 - Update : 22.05.2024
US Senate to vote Thursday on bipartisan border security bill Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) speaks to the press during a media availability following the passage of the national security supplemental in Washington, DC on April 23, 2024- Photo: Nathan Posner


The US Senate will vote Thursday on a revived bipartisan border security bill that President Joe Biden urged Republicans in the House of Representatives and Senate to pass.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer wrote on X that "3 months ago, Senate GOP blocked the strong, bipartisan border security bill.

"Tomorrow, we are going to lay out a clear choice to see who is serious about fixing the border, and who prefers to just talk about it."

Schumer, previously said the bill would reform asylum laws, boost staffing at the border, stop the flow of drugs like fentanyl, and give emergency powers to shut the border.

But House Speaker Mike Johnson’s GOP leadership team issued a statement Monday that said the bill has already failed once in the Senate in February because "it would actually codify many of the disastrous Biden open border policies that created this crisis in the first place."

"Should it reach the House, the bill would be dead on arrival," it said.

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