
UN Security Council adopts resolution on protection of humanitarian, UN personnel

Resolution, penned by Switzerland, adopted with 14 votes in favor and 1 abstention

Merve Aydogan  | 24.05.2024 - Update : 24.05.2024
UN Security Council adopts resolution on protection of humanitarian, UN personnel


A resolution spearheaded by Switzerland, advocating for the protection of humanitarian and UN personnel, garnered strong support at the UN Security Council (UNSC) on Monday.

The Council voted 14 in favor for the resolution with permanent member Russia abstaining.

The resolution demands all parties to conflicts to fully comply with their obligations under applicable international human rights and humanitarian laws.

Speaking before the voting, Switzerland's representative at the UN Pascale Baeriswyl noted the increase in violence and attacks against humanitarian workers and UN personnel.

"In 2023, more than 250 humanitarian personnel paid the highest price, and hundreds were wounded, or deprived of their liberty throughout the world," she said.

Baeriswyl said the resolution "recalls the obligations to respect and protect humanitarian and UN personnel."

Saying that the resolution contributes to "efforts underway to combat impunity and further accountability," she further noted that it urges all member states to investigate violations of humanitarian law perpetrated against humanitarian and UN personnel.

"It urges them also to take measures against those responsible for these violations. The draft also incorporates new challenges facing humanitarian and UN personnel. This includes disinformation," she added.

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