Americas, Asia - Pacific

Blinken urges WHO to invite Taiwan as observer to World Health Assembly meeting

Taiwan would exemplify WHO’s commitment to an inclusive 'health for all' approach, says diplomat

Servet Gunerigok  | 09.05.2023 - Update : 10.05.2023
Blinken urges WHO to invite Taiwan as observer to World Health Assembly meeting


US Secretary of State Antony Blinken encouraged the World Health Organization (WHO) on Tuesday to invite Taiwan as an observer to the World Health Assembly's (WHA) annual meeting in Geneva.

The top diplomat said the assembly, which is WHO's decision-making body, will hold its annual meeting May 21 - 30 to discuss global public health priorities.

"It is a unique opportunity for delegates and health experts from around the world to advance global health and global health security.

"We strongly encourage the WHO to invite Taiwan to participate as an observer at this year’s WHA meeting so it may lend its expertise to the discussions," Blinken said in a statement.

He said inviting Taiwan would exemplify the WHO’s commitment to an inclusive "health for all" approach to international health cooperation.

"Taiwan is a highly capable, engaged, and responsible member of the global health community and has been invited to participate as an observer in previous WHA meetings," said Blinken.

The US will continue to advocate for Taiwan’s return as an observer at the WHA and its support for Taiwan’s participation in appropriate international fora is in line with our one China policy, he added.

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