World, Latest on coronavirus outbreak

Russia sees highest daily rise in virus cases

Country reports over 12,000 coronavirus cases, 201 deaths over past 24 hours

Rabia Iclal Turan  | 09.10.2020 - Update : 09.10.2020
Russia sees highest daily rise in virus cases


Russia on Friday reported 12,126 new cases of the novel coronavirus and 201 fatalities, bringing the total number of cases to 1.27 million and the deaths to 22,257, according to health authorities. 

This sets a new record for daily infections as the country saw the previous highest daily number of cases on May 11 when 11,656 cases were recorded.

The total number of recoveries in the country have crossed 1 million as 7,092 more patients recovered from the virus over the past 24 hours.

The capital Moscow has seen 3,701 new cases over the last 24 hours, with a cumulative toll of 321,812.

In the last 24 hours, 507,000 tests were carried out throughout the country with the total number of tests exceeding 49.6 million.

Since originating in China last December, the pandemic has claimed over 1.06 million lives in 188 countries and regions. 

More than 36.54 million cases have been reported worldwide, while over 25.47 million patients have recovered so far, according to figures compiled by the Johns Hopkins University. 

*Writing by Iclal Turan from Ankara

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