Brussels briefing, March 26

The EU-Turkey leaders' meeting will take place on Monday in Varna, Bulgaria.  It will bring together Donald Tusk, president of the European Council, Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European Commission, Boyko Borissov, prime minister of Bulgaria, and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, president of Turkey. The meeting will assess matters of mutual interest and recent developments.

The findings of a delegation of members of the European Parliament (MEPs) who visited Slovakia on March 8-9 to look into the situation on the ground will be debated in the Civil Liberties and Budget Control committees on Monday. This will feed into a resolution to be voted on during the April 16-19 plenary session in Strasbourg.

Taxi drivers are expected to block the street traffic in Brussels on Tuesday when they protest against Uber.

The EP’s Employment and Social Affairs Committee will discuss new cancer-causing chemical agents on Tuesday.

Budget and Human Resources Commissioner Gunther Oettinger will be quizzed on Martin Selmayr’s appointment as Commission Secretary-General at a public hearing organized by the Budgetary Control Committee on Tuesday. This will feed into a resolution to be voted on by the whole Parliament on April 19.

Violence towards and pressure on journalists, worsening economic and working conditions in the media, fake news and net neutrality are among the topics examined in a report on media freedom to be put to the vote in the Civil Liberties Committee on Tuesday.

Frontex Executive Director Fabrice Leggeri and Fundamental Rights Officer Inmaculada Arnaez Fernandez will present the new Joint Operation Themis on Tuesday to the Civil Liberties Committee. The Themis operation replaces Triton and includes search and rescue operations in the Central Mediterranean covering migration flows from Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt Albania.

Plans on how to shape the post-2020 EU cohesion policy, aiming at reducing gaps among regions, will be put forward by the Regional Development Committee on Tuesday. Preserving the budget, selecting new priority areas, defining new indicators that are complementary to GDP, as well as boosting territorial cooperation and simplification are among the proposals to be considered.